Meet Your TSWG Board
2023-2024 OFFICERS
President: Doug Lowman (TN)
Vice President: Liz Cotrell (MA)
Secretary: Lynn Nulicek (OH)
Treasurer: Jennifer Cardwell (VA)
Membership: Faith Blackwell (MA)
Wayne Sharp (MN)
Cynthia Olotka
Bill Brick (OH)
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Non-voting positions
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinator Host (2024) Wayne Sharp (MN)
Website: Sue Muldoon (CT)
Historian: Position Open
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
Compliance committee Andrew Dick
President: Doug Lowman Vice President: Liz Cotrell
Secretary: Lynn Nulicek Treasurer: Jen Cardwell
2021-2022 OFFICERS
President: Mary St Clair
Vice President: Mui Baltanos
Secretary: Liz Cotrell
Treasurer: Doug Lowman
Membership: RhondaVoos
George Goodwin
Lynn Nulicek
Cathryn Peters
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Non-voting positions
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinator Host (2022)
Website: Sue Muldoon (CT)
Historian: Position Open
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
Compliance committee Andrew Dick
President: Mary St Claire Vice President: Jill St Woods
2019-2020 OFFICERS
President: Mary St. Claire
Vice President: Jill Woods
Secretary: Liz Cotrell
Treasurer: Doug Lowman
Membership: Rhonda Voos (CT)
George Goodwin
Mui Baltrunas
Lynn Nulicek
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Non-voting positions
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinator Host (2019)
Website: Sue Muldoon (CT)
Historian: Position Open
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
Compliance committee Andrew Dick
Treasurer: Doug Lowman: Secretary: Liz Cotrell
President: Jill Woods Vice President: Cathryn Peters
2018-2019 OFFICERS
President: Jill Woods
Vice President: Cathryn Peters
Secretary: (open)
Treasurer: Nancy Rafal
Membership: Rhonda Voos (CT)
Mary St.Claire
George Goodwin
Mui Baltrunas
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Non-voting positions
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinator Host (2019)
Website: Sue Muldoon (CT)
Historian: Position Open
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
Compliance committee Andrew Dick
Secretary: Treasurer: NancyRafal
President: Jill Woods Vice President: Emily Emza Uphill
2017- 2018 OFFICERS
President: Jill Woods
Vice President: Emily Emza Uphill (OH)
Secretary: Faith Blackwell (MA)
Treasurer: NancyRafal (WI
Past President:
(2013 - 2015) Richard Hall (GA)
Brandy Clements (NC)
Ed Harris (AL)
Linda Weiss Sippel (AR)
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Non-voting positions
Membership: Rhonda Voos (CT)
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinator Host (2018) Linda Weiss Sippel (AR)
Website: Sue Muldoon (CT)
Historian: Position Open
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
Compliance committee Andrew Dick
Secretary: Faith Blackwell Treasurer: NancyRafal
2016- 2017 OFFICERS
The SeatWeavers' Guild 2016 Board of Directors:
Back Row: Richard G. Hall; President, Nancy Rafal: Treasurer, Linda Weiss Sippel; Member at large, Ed Harris; Secretary: Faith Blackwell; Member at large, Caryl DeFrancesco; Member at large, Brandy Clements; Member at large,
Front Row: Laura Lott; Member at large, Bill Brick; member at large, Kirk Catinna; Membership, Emily Emza Uphill; Vice President
President: Richard G. Hall (GA)
Vice President: Emily Emza Uphill (OH)
Secretary: Faith Blackwell (MA)
Treasurer: NancyRafal (WI
Membership: Kirk Catinna (KY)
Past President:
(2013 - 2015) Mindy King (OH)
Brandy Clements (NC)
Caryl De Francesco (CT)
Laura Lott (KY)
Bill Brick (PA)
Ed Harris (AL)
Linda Sippel (MN)
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Non-voting positions
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinator Host (2016) Brandy Clements (NC)
Website: Sue Muldoon (CT)
Publicity: Emily Emza Uphill (OH)
Historian: Position Open
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
L to R: Mindy King, Richard Hall, David Dick, Brandy Clements, Andrew Dick, Nacy Rafal, Laura Lott, Bill Brick, Suzan Diaz
2015- 2016 OFFICERS
President: Richard G. Hall (GA)
Vice President: David W. Dick (IL)
Secretary: Dick Knotts (NC)
Treasurer: NancyRafal (WI
Membership: Suzan Diaz (CT)
Past President:
(2013 - 2015) Mindy King (OH)
Dr. Andrew Dick (IN)
Brandy Clements (NC)
Caryl De Francesco (CT)
Laura Lott (KY)
Bill Brick (PA)
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Non-voting positions
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinator Host (2015) David Dick (IL)
Website: Sue Muldoon (CT)
Publicity: Faith Blackwell (MA)
Historian: Position Open
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
President: Mindy King (OH)
Vice President: David W. Dick (IL)
Secretary: Dick Knotts (PA)
Treasurer: Bill Morse (IL)
Membership: Suzan Diaz (CT)
Past President:
(2011-2013) Wayne Sharp (MN)
Dr. Andrew Dick (IN)
Nancy Rafal (WI)
Richard G. Hall (GA)
Cathryn Peters (MN)
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Non-voting positions
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinator Host (2014) Suzan Diaz (CT)
Publicity & Website: Cathryn Peters (MN)
Historian: Position Open
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
2012-2013 OFFICERS:
President: Wayne Sharp (MN)
Vice President: Bill Morse (IL)
Secretary: Bill Brick (PA)
Treasurer: Mical Wilmoth Carton (MD)
Past President:
(2007-2011) Cathryn Peters (MN)
Dr. Andrew Dick (IN)
Nancy Rafal (WI)
Richard G. Hall (GA)
Membership: Suzan Diaz (CT)
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinators Hosts: Nancy Rafal (WI) Mindy King (OH)
Publicity & Website: Cathryn Peters(MN)
Historian: Position Open
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
2010-2011 OFFICERS:
President: Cathryn Peters, MN
Vice President: Mindy King, OH
Secretary: Bill Brick, PA
Treasurer: Mical Wilmoth Carton, MD
Tom Holtkamp
Wayne Sharp, MN
Bill Morse, IL
Membership: Bonnie Krist (OH)
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinator Host: Jill Woods (MI)
Publicity & Website: Cathryn Peters (MN)
Historian: Jill Woods (MI)
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
2008-2009 TSWG OFFICERS:
President: Cathryn Peters, MN
Vice President: Mindy King, OH
Secretary: Allene Hooper, NY
Treasurer: Ray DeFrancesco, CT
Tom Holtkamp, IN
Pierre Amyotte, Ontario, Canada
Sharon Dempsey, OH
Membership: Bonnie Krist, OH
Newsletter & Historian: Jill Woods, MI
Publicity & Website: Cathryn Peters, MN
Events Coordinators: Mindy King, OH & Bonnie Rashleigh, OH
Parliamentarian: Shirley Broginski, OH
2013-2014 OFFICERS:
President: Mindy King (OH)
Vice President: David W. Dick(IL)
Secretary: Bill Brick (PA)
Treasurer: Bill Morse (IL)
Membership: Suzan Diaz (CT)
Past President:
(2011-2013) Wayne Sharp (MN)
Dr. Andrew Dick (IN)
Nancy Rafal (WI)
Richard G. Hall (GA)
Cathryn Peters (MN)
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Non-voting positions
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinators (2013): Jan Stansel (GA) & Richard Hall (GA)
Publicity & Website: Cathryn Peters (MN)
Historian: Position Open
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
2011-2012 OFFICERS:
President: Wayne Sharp (MN)
Vice President: Mindy King (OH)
Secretary: Bill Brick (PA)
Treasurer: Mical Wilmoth Carton (MD)
Past President:
(2007-2011) Cathryn Peters (MN)
Bill Morse (IL)
Nancy Rafal (WI)
Richard G. Hall (NC)
Membership: Suzan Diaz (CT)
Newsletter: Bonnie Rashleigh (OH)
Events Coordinator Host: Tom Holtkamp (IN)
Publicity & Website: Cathryn Peters(MN)
Historian: Position Open
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick (IL)
2009-2010 TSWG OFFICERS:
President: Cathryn Peters, MN
Vice President: Mindy King, OH
Secretary: Allene Hooper, NY
Treasurer: Mical Wilmoth Carton, MD
Tom Holtkamp, IN
Pierre Amyotte, Ontario, Canada
Joyce Curtis, MI
Membership: Bonnie Krist, OH
Newsletter & Historian: Jill Woods, MI
Publicity & Website: Cathryn Peters, MN
Events Coordinators: Mindy King, OH & Bonnie Rashleigh, OH
Parliamentarian: David W. Dick, IL
2007-2008 TSWG OFFICERS:
President: Cathryn Peters, MN
Vice President: Ray DeFrancesco, CT
Secretary: Allene Hooper, NY
Treasurer: Pierre Amyotte, Ontario, Canada
Tom Holtkamp, IN
Mindy King, OH
Sharon Dempsey, OH
Membership: Mical Wilmoth-Carton, MD; Bonnie Krist, OH; Sharon Dempsey, OH
Events: Mindy King, OH; Shirley Brodginski, OH
Newsletter: Cathryn Peters, MN
Publicity: Cathryn Peters, MN; Mindy King, OH
Website: Pierre Amyotte, Canada; Jamie Cribbs, OH; Cathryn Peters, MN; Wes Luckey, NY
Historian: Jill Woods, MI
Parliamentarian: Shirley Broginski, OH