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The name of this organization shall be The SeatWeavers’ Guild




The objectives are as follows:

  • To establish an understanding of excellence in each form of weaving that we seek to preserve.

  • To learn, teach and preserve the many forms of chair seat weaving practiced throughout history.



  • To communicate to the public that antique chairs are restorable and are no less valuable for having been restored.

  • To share tips and techniques with each other for the betterment of all.

  • To educate and advise each other on all aspects of establishing and maintaining a chair seat weaving enterprise.

  • To encourage the development of new designs and/or patterns of modern furniture.

  • To encourage the growth of the craft.


Membership types are as follows:


A. General membership

  • Founding – those persons present at the Founder’s Meeting, July 7, 2007, at Nelsonville, Ohio

  • Charter – any person who joins within the first year of the guild’s founding(July 7, 2007 through June 31,  2008).

  • Individual – persons who join after July 1, 2008.


B. Business Membership

  • Cottage – home based, sole proprietor, teacher, couples

  • Business – one or more employees

  • Corporate – incorporated, supporter, supplier


C. Dues and membership privileges are as follows:

    General membership annual dues shall be $30.00 US dollars. General  members in good standing shall have one vote at the annual meeting, receive any organizational newsletters, and have access to the membership roster.


  • Cottage business membership annual dues shall be $50.00 US dollars. Cottage-level members in good standing shall have one vote at the annual meeting, receive any organizational newsletters, have a business listing in said guild newsletter, and have access to the membership roster.


  • Business membership annual dues shall be $75.00 US dollars. Business-level members in good standing shall have one vote at the annual meeting, shall receive any organizational newsletters, have a business listing in said guild newsletter, have access to the membership roster, and have a listing in the business directory of the guild website,


  • Corporate membership annual dues shall be $100.00 US dollars. Corporate-level members in good standing shall have one vote at the annual meeting, shall receive any organizational newsletters, have a business listing is said guild newsletter, have access to the membership roster, and have a business-card size advertisement on the guild website,


  • International members shall add $10.00 US dollars.


  • Good standing shall be defined as having paid the appropriate membership dues.




A. The officers for the organization shall consist of the following:


1. President:


       The President shall:

            a. preside at all meetings of the organization, both regular and special.


            b. appoint a chairman to all committees unless otherwise stated in these by-laws.


            c. be an ex-officio member of all committees.


            d. perform such other duties as assigned by the organization.


2. Vice President:


        The Vice President shall:

               a. preside over all meetings of the organization in the absence of the President.


               b. act as chair of the nominating committee for election of new officers.


              c. perform such other duties as assigned by the organization.


3. Secretary:


     The Secretary shall:

             a. keep a record of the proceedings of the meetings of members and the executive board.


            b. file and preserve all minutes and publicity materials from past  organizational events.


            c. make available a copy of the minutes of the organization and executive board meetings to the President in a timely fashion.


           d. write official organization correspondence upon the direction of the President.


           e. perform such other duties as assigned by the organization.


4. Treasurer:


      The Treasurer shall:

               a. receive all money belonging to the organization ad deposit the  same into the account approved by the Executive Board.


               b. pay all bills approved by the Executive Board.


               c. present copies of all financial reports to the President and the Secretary.


               d. sign all warrants. All warrants shall have two signatures – the Treasurer and the President.


              e. perform such duties as assigned by the organization.


B. Election of Officers:


        1. Qualifications:

             The organization shall have only members in good standing as  officers. Good standing shall be defined as having paid the                    appropriate  membership dues.



            The term for all officers will be two years with no officer holding more than two consecutive terms in the same office. The                           elections of new   officers shall be offset as follows, thereby  replacing only half the board  in any given year:


            a. Vice President and Secretary being elected in the same year

            b. President and Treasurer being elected in the following year

            c. Members-at-large to be replaced upon completion of their two

                year term


      3. Quorum:

          Elections will be held at the annual meeting of the organization by general vote. Members in good standing that attend the annual   meeting shall constitute a quorum for this purpose.


      4. Majority shall elect: A majority vote is required to elect.


       5. Affirmation: If there is only one nominee for an office, election  may be by affirmation.


     C. Vacancy in Office


         A vacancy in office shall be filled by a majority vote of the  Executive Board, at a regular or special meeting, for which notice             of vacancy has been given. The office of President shall be filled  by the Vice President.




     A. Regular meetings:


          There will be one annual meeting of the organization. The  Executive  Board of the organization shall determine the time and           place of such a meeting.


     B. Special meetings:


          Special meetings may be called by the President or upon the  request of  five members of the organization. The purpose of the              meeting shall be stated in the notice of the meeting. Except in  cases of emergency, at  least two weeks notice shall be given to              all board members by telephone, in writing or by electronic means.


     C. Quorum:


         The quorum for regular meetings of the organization shall be the  majority number of members in good standing that attend the                   meeting.




     A. Composition:


          The Executive Board shall consist of the four officers plus three members-at-large. The members-at-large will be elected by the  membership at the annual meeting. Heads of committees will sit on the board and make recommendations, but will have no vote.


    B. Responsibilities:


          The Executive Board shall have the power to conduct business of  the organization, except that which is retained by the                                  membership as provided by these bylaws.


     C. Meetings:


         1. Regular meetings:


             The Executive Board shall meet immediately following the  annual meeting and two more times each year at a time and                    place  determined by the President. Meetings may be held using   electronic means.


         2. Special meetings:


              A special meeting of the Executive Board may be called by the President or any two Executive Board members. Except in                         cases of emergency, at least two weeks notice shall be given to  all executive board members by telephone, in writing, or by                  electronic means.


     D. Quorum:


         A majority of the Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum. Without a quorum, no business may be conducted.




        A. Standing committees shall consist of the following:

             1. Membership
             2. Events
             3. Publicity
             4. Website
             5. Historian
             6. Nominating
             7. Parliamentarian


      B. Other standing and special committees may be created as needed by the President or the Executive Board.


      C. Committee duties:  All committee duties shall be defined by the  Executive Board.




      The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly  Revised shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the organization  bylaws, any special rules of order the organization may adopt, or any statutes applicable to this organization.




     A. Amendments:


         1. The organization agrees to abide by these bylaws as well as  federal, state and local laws. The members of the Executive                     Board must  approve these bylaws and any amendments before implementation.


         2. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the  membership by a majority vote providing that the amendment                  has been submitted, in writing, to the membership four weeks  prior to the above mentioned meeting.


     B. Effective date of the amendment:


        Amendments to these bylaws shall take effect at the adjournment  of the meeting, at which time they are adopted, unless otherwise provided as a  condition of the amendment.




          Upon the dissolution or final liquidation of this corporation, all  remaining  assets, after all legal obligations are paid, will be t                   transferred to a similar not-for-profit corporation recommended  and approved by the  Board of Directors.

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