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TSWG Mission Statement

The SeatWeavers’ Guild,Inc.®



  • To establish an understanding of excellence in each form of weaving we seek to preserve.

  • To learn, teach and preserve the many forms of chair seat weaving practiced throughout history.

  • To communicate to the public that antique chairs are restorable and are no less valuable for having been restored.

  • To share tips and techniques with each other for the betterment of all.

  • To educate and advise each other on all aspects of establishing and maintaining a chair seat weaving enterprise.

  • To encourage the development of new designs and/or patterns of modern furniture.

  • To encourage the growth of the craft.


If these purpose statements are important and resonate with you too,
please join our guild today! Help promote the craft of chair caning
and other chair seat weaving, you’ll be glad you did!




"Preserving & perpetuating the craft of chair caning and seat weaving!"
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