I am attempting to reweave six danish chairs. I have never done this before, and want to be successful. The danish cord I received is a little smaller in diameter than what is currently on the chair. (7 per inch verses 8 per inch). The old weaving was so well done and every hook had only two throws. I was able to save all the old nails and am thinking the smaller diameter will mess that up. So two questions. Where do I get the proper wider danish cord?
Am I right to think the smaller diameter will mess me up or am I being overly cautious?
Thank you so very much. I will be grateful forever if any one can help me.
There is a smaller Danish cord size, but its not commonly sold. Is it possible to return your material and try and find something that will match closer? If you have to order by mail you can always send a sample to a supplier to make sure you get what you need. I would recommend getting the same size cord as is on the chairs. One thing is that smaller cord would mean more weaving, and not that it is hard to weave, but who needs extra work?!