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Coming to TSWG 4th Annual Gathering?

All of you that are sitting on the fence and procrastinating on registering for and making your arrangements to attend the 4th Annual Gathering and member’s meeting of The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc., had better hurry!

Deadlines are fast approaching and you don’t want to be left out and miss all this great fun!

We’ve just posted a list of some of our members that teach chair caning classes and other types of seat weaving classes at basketry guilds, folk schools, community education, artists studios, and by invitation.

Look around and see if classes will be offered in your area or if you can attend a workshop, convention or folk school in another state. Or if your historical society, attraction event, or art group would like to sponsor a class, get in touch with The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc. members that are listed as chair caning and other seat weaving instructors.

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