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What's NEW in 2022!

We're having an in-person Gathering this year! The 15th Annual SeatWeavers' Guild, Inc Gathering will be held in Jonesborough, TN.

Save the Dates! July 29-31, 2022

If you can't make it in-person, we will have an additional virtual portion for you to view.

Details will be out soon. Our team is finishing up the teaching schedule.

Speaking of virtual...we have a NEW series of Zoom chats for our members alternating Tuesdays and Sundays.

Check out the schedule so far:

Tuesdays 1-2 CST

March 1 - Join Hank’s Cane & Rush Restoration - Host Lynn Nulicek - Caning Needles

March 15 - Join Redux For You - Host - Sue Muldoon - Virtual Teaching Setup

March 29 - Join The Wicker Woman - Cathryn Peters - Hand-Twisted Cattail/Bulrush

April 12 - TBA

April 26 - Join Rhonda Voos - Theme TBA

Sundays 4-5 CST

March 6 - Host, Lynn Nulicek

March 20 - Lynn Nulicek

April 3 - Host, Cathryn Peters

April 24 -Lynn Nulicek

May 1 - Host, Walter Turpening talks about his new book “Benches, Stools, and Chairs

Not a member yet? Easy! Go to our Members Page

Hope to see you soon...happy weaving!


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