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15th Annual SeatWeavers' Guild Gathering!

It's HERE! We'll be meeting in-parson in Jonesborough TN July 28-31

There is a full day of events on Saturday with instructors and guest speakers.

Friday evening is registration and seats at an outdoor concert at the town square.

Sunday is our Annual Meeting and our favorite "Tips and Tricks" where we share all our favorite tricks, We will then have a seatweaving exhibit at the Jonesborough Visitor Center Museum.

Click HERE to go to the Gathering page!

Registration is open and due by July 1!

Here is a link to the registration :

Take a quick look at what's ahead and then venture over to the schedule page

If you are an up-to-date member, thank you! If not, you can go to our membership page

to join or renew your membership!

Hope to see you soon! Happy Weaving....

Board Members TSWG


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