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Chair Caners–4th Annual Gathering of TSWG


There’s still time to register for The SeatWeavers’ Guild, Inc. (TSWG) 4th Annual Gathering, “Over the Rails Chair Seat Weaving,” which will be held in Noblesville, Indiana on July 29, 30 & 31, 2011 at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds & Exhibition Center.

You’ll need to join our chair caning guild first, as the annual Gatherings are a perk of our national organization membership, then register for the Gathering itself and arrange for youraccommodations. All members in good standing however, can attend just the annual member’s meeting on Sunday morning at no cost and are not required to attend any of the Gathering events if they so desire.

All information is posted to our website with ongoing discussions on our Facebook page and the Seatweaving & Chair Caning Forum.


This year our hosts for the “Meet and Greet” on Friday night will be executive board member Tom Holtkamp and his wife Sarah. It will be held at their Prairie Style-Italian Renaissance (ca. 1915) historic home in Noblesville, so you don’t want to miss this!

Saturday’s events begin with workshops, demonstrations and talks held in the O.V.

Winks Building, about chair seat weaving, ranging from:

  • Tom Holtkamp’s Shaker tape, nylon & cord weaving techniques and also he’ll show us how he creates new patterns using a computer

  • Bill Brick will demonstrate for us the special tricks needed in weaving the perfect paper rush seat

  • Cathryn Peters will show the wide binding cane diamond pattern with several variations and hints on weaving them

  • Wayne Sharp presenting weaving variations in oak, ash, hickory bark and rattan splint

  • Mindy King will give a presentation on the history of the woven seat in conjunction with our “Woven Chair Seats Through the Ages” chair seating exhibition, both for the members during the Gathering and then for the public on Sunday afternoon.

Saturday evening will be a catered barbecue dinner, with the guild picking up the tab for dinners of paid members. Then a board member meeting including all committee chairs will follow the dinner.

Sunday’s morning events will be the annual meeting of the corporation where all members are welcome to attend at no cost, whether or not you are attending the other Gathering events.

This year we will hold elections of President and Treasurer. Cathryn Peters has served as President for two terms (2007-2011) and is stepping down as per the by-laws, and Mical Wilmoth Carton has graciously accepted the Treasurer’s position again if re-elected. Then following the annual members’ meeting we’ll hold the “tips and tools” segment of sharing hints and suggestions with the members.

Something new for this year on Sunday afternoon between 1-5 p.m. will be public seat weaving demonstrations given by our members and also public viewing of our 2nd chair seating exhibit, “Woven Chair Seats Through the Ages.”

The chair seating exhibit and demonstrations, which are free and open to the public, will be held in the O.V. Winks Building at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds, 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville, Indiana.

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